1958 Magnavox "stereo" hi fi

hi all, in 1980 I was given a Magnavox hi fi system. I'm trying to decide whether I want to restore it or sell it. I just moved into a tiny apt and ea speakers is 22" wide and 20" deep and I won't be able to turn up the volume, so I'm more included to sell it.
Does anyone know how much I might get for it?I have pictures but can someone tell me how to upload them to the site?
sooo, hidden away in all the info were two sales receipts with two differrent model numbers. The original owner, a friend's father, had sales men stopping by his shop all the time and he would sell and display new, high quality things like this. There are two model numbers on two different items, both purchased on 12-31-58. model number S-35 only says speaker $99.50 and the one that I'm fairly certain is this $299.50, modelĀ  # ISP275F Magnavox Audio phono, it even has the serial number which I will check later.