New Cambridge 540 vs. Used Music Hall CD25

Considering picking up one of the close-out Cambridge 540C players from audioadvisor (the older model, not the new v2) for $275. Or, I have found the Music Hall CD25 for about $300 used (again, not the new 25.2 or 25.5 or whatever they call it). Curious to hear any opinions on which route I should go. Spend the little bit extra for a used, but higher-end, model? Play it safe with new? One thing I have noticed - I see all sorts of talk about mod'ing the Music Hall, but none with the Cambridge. Maybe Music Hall offers more options down the line?
I'm with you, been contemplating either a used C25 (not sure if I want mods done), new C25.2($485), new NAD C542($400) or a Cambridge(with the Cambridge new Azur 640C V2,$549 ). So far in my researching the Cambridge is showing people having quality control problems with them. Going to keep my eye on this thread, hope you get lots of replies... good luck in your hunt.. Paul

I've owned two Cambridge CD players, though not the 540C, and a Cambridge 540A integrated amp. I own one of the original Music Hall CD25's now and have upgraded the opamps myself.

The Cambridge stuff is very good for the money but I would definitely go for the Music Hall if you can find one in good shape. The build and sonic quality are up a level from the Cambridge gear.

Upgrading the opamps in the CD25 isn't any more difficult than changing a fuse and the difference in the sound is quite startling. I prefer mine to the much more expensive separate transport and DAC I had before.