disturbing set of data points emerging re raven - maybe not so much the amps but the small team of folks behind them -- suspect quality or at least poor packaging leading to amps being shipped and not surviving their trips unscathed
poor customer follow up is related but separate problem - these are indeed rough times for small companies, seems like raven is not immune to - still with the number of folks here citing communication issues now... not good...
hopefully as the pandemic stabilizes, the company will come back onto more solid footing in terms of responsiveness (but then again, they are in texas... maybe slower there than other places for the pandemic to get under control)
poor customer follow up is related but separate problem - these are indeed rough times for small companies, seems like raven is not immune to - still with the number of folks here citing communication issues now... not good...
hopefully as the pandemic stabilizes, the company will come back onto more solid footing in terms of responsiveness (but then again, they are in texas... maybe slower there than other places for the pandemic to get under control)