@headphonedreams I have the AudioMirror Tubadour III SE (fully loaded) that some compared favorably with the Halo May. I actually bought the AMT3SE over the Halo May because a guy selling the Halo May decided to keep the AMT3SE instead after comparing the 2 of them. He may have posted earlier on this or another Halo May thread. I took the 30 day home trial for the AMT3SE and never returned it.
I love my AMT3SE with my RAAL SR1a headphones into a KRELL K-300i integrated. Sonic perfection with this combo. However, I recently got a new DAC that I like more than the AMT3SE on my 2 channel floor standers. It is the $1500 Gustard X26 Pro. It is sonically a nice blend of my Benchmark DAC3B and the AMT3SE.
I love my AMT3SE with my RAAL SR1a headphones into a KRELL K-300i integrated. Sonic perfection with this combo. However, I recently got a new DAC that I like more than the AMT3SE on my 2 channel floor standers. It is the $1500 Gustard X26 Pro. It is sonically a nice blend of my Benchmark DAC3B and the AMT3SE.