Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

Ok,ready for my 1 1/2 cents? ( That’s all I can spare)  It gets a little exhausting hearing 24/7 what I need to think,how I need to think, how I should spend my money,how I shouldn’t spend my money....... Every day,everywhere,people push their opinions like they are FACT. Your opinion may be your fact,but not everyone’s. 
    I’m a big boy,and I am quite able to make my own decisions. Now, I do not own any SR products. That is irrelevant. Should I choose to,that is my decision,and no one else’s. You don’t think those,or any other products don’t work, cool. Don’t buy them. It’s really quite simple. A wise gentleman once gave me this advice, “ If you don’t f*** me or feed me,you don’t get a say in what I do.”  

  For those that really think they are trying to save the world on an audio forum by telling folks how they should spend their cash, PLEASE, turn your efforts elsewhere. For example, go help homeless,hungry,and abused children.  I think fuses,cables,and other tweaks are a little lower on the importance scale. 
Looks like video has been pulled "due to copyright claim by Audioholics"
Obviously Gene did not like it.
Gene contacted Synergistic Research’s dealers and distributors making claims about Ted and his products. Thats when he stepped over the line and is why he is being sued. It’s called Intentional Interference with a Business Relationship.
And the starting answer is:  get the video taken down.

If you go to the link right now, you get this message:

Video unavailable 
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Audioholics.
