Any "Deadhead" audiophiles out there to help

Looking to fine tune my system for mostly music and then home theater. As apparent I am a deadhead since the early 80s and love the music and grew up on the sound. I have not really swayed much from that genre but do have an ear for classical too. I play a lot of SACD, DVD Audio and blu-ray DVDs. Currently I have a mix bag system and was wondering if I could tighten it up or move some things around. Unfortunately my room is awkward with 8 foot ceilings and 25 by 13 with an extended room open from the length to add about another 12 feet from the front speakers. This creates an "L" shape room, it was a remodel job from the prior owner converting the single car garage into another sitting room with a woodstove. I have been slowly building my system and would like any and all input on changes that could make it sound even better. This is a living area so I must keep it wife approved, as she has embraced this change as well. Now you know most "deadheads" aint got major loot, but I do save and will spend for the right gear. Here is my setup..

Pioneer Elite VSX 94TXH
B&K Reference 200.7
B&W CDM 7NT fronts (Bi-amped)
B&W CC6 center (looking to improve to CDM CNT version)
B&W 602 S1 (Bi-wired) rears along with 2 Athena bookshelfs near the ceiling
Martin Logan Motion 4's and 2-Mirage Nanosats for Side surrounds
Paradigm PDR-10 sub
Oppo BDP 93 player
Panasonic 50 inch plasma

I also have a few other mirage nanosats in other rooms to provide music in those locations and split that with a niles speaker selector
Still trying to wrap my head around improving my system. I still feel its lacking fullness. Its nearly there, just can't quite put my hand or ear on it. The new center channel was an improvement ten fold (got the CDM CNT). I am still torn to see if new front full range speakers would provide me a LARGER sound. Or is this pre-amp or integrated amp the ticket to this achieved sound. Would love to consider a speaker that is Bi-amp capable and would sing with the rest of my equipment (I can dream can't I). I can only move the speakers out about 13-15 inches from the wall, so any suggestions would be great...Got about $3k to play with..
Bel canto is a great move. I use this in my office system (w/ dynaudios) and it is great. Has great internal dac also.