Power amps for King II speakers

Please share your thoughts on good power or integrated amplification ($10-$30k) for the King Sound King II loudspeakers.

I have a 14'x17'x9' listening room and sit about 8' from the speakers.

Orchestra and chamber music are the primary listening genre.

In the past, my system has been lean and too forward, so I would like a more life-like (but not too relaxed) sound that captures the dynamics, transients and tonality of live music.

I'm using and liking the ATC SIA2-150 ($4300.00) with my set up. I went from Audio Note SET Tube gear to this SS amp and feel that I haven't missed a thing. I listen mostly to acoustic
jazz and love the tonal quality that the amp delivers.
Good luck,
I have run VAC, Pathos, Cambridge Audio, Coda, Moscode, Jeff Rowland class D with the King, as well as some others. Contact me if you wish to discuss.