Which pre amp do I keep, Perraux SM-2 or Plinius CD Lad

I have a Plinius CD LAD preamp and a Perraux SM -2, the amp is the Perreaux 2150B. Which pre amp do you recommend for my system. I also have an Arcam FMJ CD23, CD player, and ADS 1290 speakers.
I have a Perreaux 2150B too! A heavyweight contender - literally! I’d keep the SM-2! Nice to have a matching set up! I don’t think the Plinius is any better!
Not sure why you asking for opinions when you own both preamps under consideration?  Keep the one that sound the best.
Looks like it’s time for you to have a winner take all shoot out. Or,do what I would do. Keep both and rotate for a different flavor.