PCTI tonearm by rauliruegas

Was this tonearm ever produced?
Outboard PS
Dual mono everything
Fully balanced
Two completely discrete phono circuits, one MM, one MC.
mono and mute switches.
separate ps for display LEDs.
3 pairs of high level inputs + 2 pairs for the phono stages 
RCA and XLR inputs for each of the 5 inputs per channel.

To adjust phono load you have to open the chassis and solder the chosen resistance ( or capacitor) which I don’t mind doing.
Dear @anthonya : @lewm was spot on, thank’s for that.

Now, our phonolinepreamp today is out of production. It’s a full SS design the unit that Lewm owns came with two MC phono stages instead that one MM/MC ( this characteristic was and option for the customers when ordered ).

It has 3 independent and discrete four layers circuit boards: one for the dual mono line level preamp, one for the two independent stages and a third one that is the logic control board.

Each unit was builded with strictly hand selected/tested parts. Has a very wide frequency range that goes over 1Mhz.
it comes with a truly high headroom where is almost imposible to overload it.

Its specs are nothing but accurated as no other unit I know and only as an example its inverse RIAA eq. deviation is : 0.012 db. in both channels.

When we started and decided to do it the first target was not designed as: more of the same, even today has some unique characteristics.

I don’t know what Lewm could think but when you listen through the Essential phonolinepreamp you just can’t know it’s a SS neither tube because almost has not a " signature " other that preserve that natural tone, color, dynamics and rythm we can find out in MUSIC.

The Lewm unit as the other 3160 can compete with the top today phonolinepreamp that like the CH that its tag price is over 60K+ or Vitus, you just name it.

Thank’s for ask and thank’s again to Lewm.


Dear @soundcheck6 :   About the tonearm a friend of mine and I decided to design and build a tonearm that can performs with better quality levels than the vintage/today tonearms in the market.

We decided that that tonearm will be only for he and me and nothing else.

I made the llist targets for the designs that he approved and we started step by step ( is no copy of any tonearm design. ) in our " free time " only.

The tonearm were made it at " home " due that my friend owned ( with other gentleman. ) a CNC big company.

That was great for us because after small changes in the tonearm design we can do those tonearm changes ( mainly I. ) to make the voicing more or less fast. I have to tell that over the whole proccess we did it a lot of changes because my friend and I were totally inexpert on build tonearms, never had a first hand experiences.

We started only knowing what we wanted to achieve but with out precise " idea " how meet those targets. So a long test and error proccess.

He and I never had the opportunity to designed a tonearm was a totally new experiences for both of us, truly learning one.

Through those years the tonearm performed so well and with high quality that we started to think in a comercial way. 
Latter on  we can't do it due that because he and his partner decided to put on sale their company and in advance of that both decided to change their residence place from México to different 2 countries but at  the end company never sold and they are out of México and things gone at the " freezer " from his part.
Even that I finished the tonearm.

It's ready to manufacture it and I'm looking for a joint venture, I need an investor because I have not the kind of money need it to go " outside " with success. Yes I have no single doubt that will be something really unique in the market and it success is for sure.

I would like a partner that some way or the other " lives " in the audio world and in specific analog market.

Look, the tonearm is a reality and is where I have mounted my cartridges and enjoying the analog alternative and I'm sure that sooner or latter will be a reality in the market.

The overall tonearm design is not only unique but in many ways superior to any other today/vintage tonearm in the market including top and expensive design as the SAT with a price tag of over 55+K dollars.

We will see.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS
@rauliruegas , I hope you find that investor. Have you thought of teaming up with an established manufacturer? As an example Frank Schroder has designed an arm Soundsmith is going to make. He frequently licenses others to make his arms. They have the headaches and he collects royalties. I know Sota is thinking about making an arm but their tables are not very flexible. 9" arms only need apply. 
How did you manage to make the prototype? Tonearms are very simple devices but they can be a bear to manufacture. (unless you are making a unipivot which I know you would never do)