@yyzsantabarbara My streaming path is Cardas Ethernet to an Innous Zenith MK2 via WireWorld USB cable to a Matrix X via a cheap .5 meter HDMI cable to my DAC. I hear a clear and distinct SQ improvement using the Matrix as opposed to going direct from the Zenith with a USB cable or Ethernet cable to Bridge II. Ethernet to Bridge II sounds the worst and it only supports up to DSD64.
I’ve procrastinated on buying an “audiophile” grade I2S cable because I like what I hear now. Having said that, I liked the sound of a NAD M22v2 power amp until I heard the BHK250 in my system. I’ve been looking at my options and will buy a better HDMI cable soon.
Fiber optic is somewhat appealing to me, and I’ve researched the OpticalRendu. I’m not sure the SQ improvement is worth the switch and I have no way of knowing unless I buy the pieces needed to find out. I never say never, but for now I plan to stick with what I have.
I’ve procrastinated on buying an “audiophile” grade I2S cable because I like what I hear now. Having said that, I liked the sound of a NAD M22v2 power amp until I heard the BHK250 in my system. I’ve been looking at my options and will buy a better HDMI cable soon.
Fiber optic is somewhat appealing to me, and I’ve researched the OpticalRendu. I’m not sure the SQ improvement is worth the switch and I have no way of knowing unless I buy the pieces needed to find out. I never say never, but for now I plan to stick with what I have.