Essay bashing Primedia, Stereophile - and Audiogon

For those of you who like their blood stirred a little bit before the weekend, take a look at an essay by Chip Stern, in which he finds some answers on who is to blame for the demise of high-end-audio. In part, it's Audiogoners!
Chip Stern who? Never read his reviews because he was a wannabe reviewer at best. He's living in the past so let's all move on and leave Stern living a lonely life.
Oh, for the good old days when I was someone. Crapping one's thoughts into the internet void does not make one relevant.
Some of us do need to go gently, into that good night.

All the best,
Post removed 

The demise of this hobby, if indeed it is on the skids, lies solely with us the consumer.

And who the hell is Chip Stern? 

Look upon brick and mortars that discount as sternly as you do Audiogon.