What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?

I well remember in the ‘80s when we were amazed and thrilled by CD.
Wow, no more pops and clicks and all the physical benefits.
Seems so many abandoned vinyl.
But now, with so much convenience, available content and high SQ seems even dedicated vinylholics have again abandoned vinyl and embraced digital. However, there is clearly a new resurgence in analog.
But I look at, for example, whitecamaro’s “List of amplifiers...” thread and no one seems interested in analog!
To me, it seems strange when auditioning “$100Kish gear, that vinyl doesn’t enter the picture or conversation.
I have roughly 2000 CD's, 100 SACD's and 1000 LP's. 
For convenience, I listen to CD/SACD 75% of the time, and LP's the remaining 25%.  By the way, I believe SACD's rivals LP's for 
quality of sound, especially since I have a high quality Marantz CD player.  For vinyl. I have the new Technics SL1200 turntable, which also produces great sound.  
I have not put in a CD in months.  Vinyl only for now. Over 2500 albums, love the sound, can't get enough...new (just released) to old (1920).  Yes I can play 78.
I only listen to vinyl or cd's, I have never streamed anything and do not ever intend to. I still have one of my first turntables that I bought back in 1978 and listen to it at least 5 times a week, but mainly listen to my newer turntables that I have gotten in the last 10 years.Vinyl just seems to me to be more purest in nature just like my tube gear.I do not think that vinyl will go away anytime soon at least not in my lifetime.And vinyl is not for the young so much as it is nostalgia for us older people.
bdp -- We must have run into each other at some time or another. I bought my share of music at Amoeba and at Atomic Records. The wife and I met at the Tower in Panorama City, and we both later worked at Tower Classics on the Sunset Strip. I bought a passel of components from Brooks Berdan and was truly saddened when I heard he passed on. He was one of the reasons why I'd find myself in Pasadena.  
Not everyone who chooses to listen to digital music, (CD's in my case) is old and or lazy. I find my setup as satisfying as my analog setup was many years ago, more in some ways. I do many things on a daily basis which are much more difficult than cleaning and flipping records; I just choose not to.