What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?

I well remember in the ‘80s when we were amazed and thrilled by CD.
Wow, no more pops and clicks and all the physical benefits.
Seems so many abandoned vinyl.
But now, with so much convenience, available content and high SQ seems even dedicated vinylholics have again abandoned vinyl and embraced digital. However, there is clearly a new resurgence in analog.
But I look at, for example, whitecamaro’s “List of amplifiers...” thread and no one seems interested in analog!
To me, it seems strange when auditioning “$100Kish gear, that vinyl doesn’t enter the picture or conversation.
Well I came back into  music from the HT world and I have not looked back.  I love my theater setup.  But when I dived into audiophila by getting my first turntable in 30 years as an anniversary present I could not believe how much I've been missing.  I use vinyl about 80%, CDs 10, and streaming (Tidal, Qobuz with Bluesound Node 2i-for MQA).  I sit stunned listening anew to my old albums, CDs and discovering the nuances of favorite tracks now enhanced beyond my wildest dreams with state of this art equipment I couldn't come close to when I was young.  I couldn't dream I'd fall in love all over again with music that had become blase'  from my substandard stereo setup or FM radio in the 80s and 90s.  Essentially, I stopped listening to music altogether, except as background sound.  I did this for years as I turned myself into a full-blown home theater geek.  But thanks to this resurgence of interest in vinyl, (thanks youngsters!), ALL musical formats have been revitalized ..people are listening and talking about music again, and that is a very good thing.
Was a total vinyl junkie that used to demonstrate to friends how much better a recording sounded on lap rather than cd. Even when the initial recording was digitally recorded! That made me pause... 
after several decades and remastering of many recordings in high-res, purchase of a really good dac (Yggdrasil) blew my mind at how much better digital streaming was than my vinyl. I have a good but aging setup of equivalent cost for my vinyl- Ariston RD11S turntable, modified Grace 707 tone arm, and Benz Ace cartridge.  Hardly ever listen to my records anymore.
“What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?”

The percentage of people who both listen exclusively to streaming and deserve pummeling would be a much easier question to answer.
with the pummelling that's an easy 100% i reckon.


i'd get mad about it if i wasn't so soothed by my vinyl rig :-)