Used Magico V3 or Rockport Mira 2

I am using these pair in a Home theater/2 channel setup. So setup will not be ideal for both in my room(wall treatment wise). The Magico V3 can be found for 15k used and the new Rockport Mira 2 can be had for 16.5k. Is Rockport better than the V3. Rockport dealers are exclusive and harder to find. But have heard great things from owners. The Magico have been widely reviewed as positive. My setup is more 20-25% audio and the rest Home theater. Would I really benefit from one over the other. I have a Sim w-5 amp and classe ssp-800. Any feedback will be appreciated.
From what I have heard the Rockports are more musical and offsets poor recordings. The Magico will presents a more true performance. If the recording is bad then the Magico will present it this way. If the Recording is superb then so will the presentation be on the Magico. So does that mean the Rockports softens the playback?
Everybody is saying Magico is analytical, but I heard Magico/YG shootout and YG was much, much more analytical and less forgiving of a recording.
I think Magico replicates what is there. For good or bad. I found out that these are two flavours of replicating music at a high level. I now feel that the Rockports are several notches above my old Aerial 9s yet more 'musical' than the Magico V3.
A “musical” speaker?? A totally subjective, and quite frankly, useless description. Unfortunately, it is used by audiophile all the time. In my experience, “musical” basically mean a coloration of some sort which for some reason one may fancy . A speaker should be as “true to the source” as possible. That does not mean analytical or austere, which are also forums of coloration. To my ears the Rockport are much less “true to the source”, and therefore more “colored” then the Magico. You may fancy that but I would not call that “musical”. Listen to a cello recording, and immediately after to a soprano. It takes a second to hear how significant the loudspeaker coloration on the sound is. To my ears, the Rockport “sound” is more evident than the Magico one.