What is purpose of a cd transport?

Some people say that a certain cd transport is "good." How can one cd transport be "better" than another?
Isn't their job just to hold/play the disc?
I love, I love it, Rcprince !!!!

If you listen to vinyl then you have to get the Blue Circle BC27pi phono stage, even if only for the reason it's a two box phono stage !!

Do you have separate mono-block amps ??
6 separate cables for each tri-wire speaker?

Then install dedicated AC power lines for each power cord !!

Sorry, I am getting out of control here...
The purpose is to transmit digital data to the DA convertor for processing.

A good cd transport definitely make a difference as compared to an average one.

Of course, you can said that a CD transport with a DAC will definitely beat a 1 box player provided that u are comparing in the same class which will cost more.

My advise is still keep to a 1 box player. A CD transport with a DAC sill required a good interconnect & power cable matching in order to sound good.

Sometimes, making thing complicated is a long way to achieve good sound. Keeping your stuff as simple ( CD player, int. amp & speaker ) as it is will be more easier for u to achieve a good sound unless u don't mind spending $$$.

Heck, Sugarbrie, for vinyl I only have the Lamm phono to turn on for the phono stage (maybe I should consider the Blue Circle, though the Lamm is really an extra box itself because my Jadis has its own world-class phono stage), but then I also have to turn on the Walker Motor Drive, the Basis' motor and the vacuum for the vacuum holddown! And you guessed the monbloc amps, with two biwires for the highs and a lonely single wire for the bass. I won't go into the four dedicated lines....

Honestly, Jeremy's right, simpler is better if it's well-designed and executed.
There is another big reason that hasn't been mentioned yet. With digital processors, such as digital EQ and upsampling, or processors built into to surround processors (such as room correction and surround processing), you're better off keeping the signal in the digital domain without introducing multiple DA & AD conversions. You can use the digital out of a CD Player, but why use that if the CD player's DACS will never be used? My preference is to use a high quality transport routed to a Digital EQ processor, then a DAC, then on to the preamp.
The other posters have addressed the "techno" part of your question, I would just like to share I have tried different reference transports and they do offer different sonic signatures just like high end turntables.

I have had in my system the following transports: 1) ML 31.5 2) CEC TL-1 3) Ensemble reference. Each had its virtues and did offer overall sonics that affected the overall signature of my system.

For more details regarding what these differences were you could go to a thread entitled: Reference DACS: An overall perspective.