Alexx and Lamm ML1?

Getting a pair of Wilson Alexx (min 50W). My room is 12 by 24’. Will my beloved Lamm ML1 (90W) be able to get the best out them?
Spoke to engineer at Lamm. He feels the combo should be fine with my room and moderate listening levels. Also spoke to Tyler and Trent at Wilson. Both felt that the combo should be fine. Trent is using Lamm M1.2 (hybrid with 220W into 4 ohms) to drive Alexx. He is very happy with unparalleled musicality of LAMM and feels there is no lack of performance at all with Alexx. Trent also relayed his experience using LM2.1 which he felt was most musical amps. He used these 18W tubes to drive Maxx 3. He said about five percent of tracks were ‘affected’ by low power and the rest were fine. 
I don not like it loud. And it would make an emotional re adjustment to part with LAMMs given how much I love what they do. I guess the proof is in the pudding. Will have to try them with ML1’s. We can always cross the bridge later if it comes to it. Fingers crossed. 

He feels the combo should be fine

Fine?? is a compromise answer (It is not "the best" that you asked)
" Will my beloved Lamm ML1 (90W) be able to get the best out them?"

Sorry but these speaker are awesome, and need the right amp to get it, even at medium volume they need current to sound their best. 

And the Max 3 is much easier to drive than the Max 2 and also the Alexx which is harder again
Stereophile: " MAXX 3 will be significantly easier to drive."

Cheers George
What first separates real life sound and reproduced sound is dynamics. You want to approximate as much as possible. As great as Lamms are they cannot do it. As for other elements, like timbre, Lamm might win. So..?
I would say much depends on what kind of music you mostly listen to and your priorities. It would be very tough choice for me if cost no object or almost no object.
Just try the M2.2 instead, Vladimirs design for low impedance speakers.

manufacturers always say their gear works with anything so discount them. Dealers know better usually.
I guess I’d ask you naysayers  what you are using on your Alexx.  The OP is right to try his current amp just to see. He may just love it. What’s best is a personal opinion not an absolute.  Urowolf please let me know your results I’m very interested in what you think.