Armoire between speakers

I have a large armoire sitting between my 2 speakers. This requires I place my speakers about 9 feet apart, about 1' from the sides and rear walls. The sound is still good and so is the soundstage. How much improvement in sound and staging can I expect if move th armoire out of the room? Will it be dramitic or subtle? Thanks for your opinions.
I sit about 10' from the speakers-
I cant have th front protrude past the front of the the armoire-
Material on the sides of the armoire will be vetoed by my wife-
I have a similar situation with a fireplace which is built out from my front wall and is thus between my speakers. It does effect stage depth in the center and makes for some interesting reflections and multiple corners behind the speakers. It obviously can't be moved, but your armoire can be. I would get it out of the room if you can. Depending on the resolution of your system, it could be a significant improvement.
What is in the Armoire? If it is a TV then disregard my suggestions. Try opening the doors and see if your sound changes at all. Or try draping a thick blanket over it and see if notice any difference at all. I have a similar issue with a TV. If I place acoustic panels in front of the TV it creates a big improvement. Problem is I can't move the TV, so I have looked into other options. But my point is maybe you can gain some improvement with some modifications.