Would silver cables beat UP-OCC copper?

All things considered, which is the better choice for best sound, silver (for example, Siltech) or UP-OCC copper, such as Furutech or Neotech? Thanks.
Sorry, many faces of whatever, but the connections were tight. It was the image that was smeared. Notice in the quote that I said some of it went about 1/3 to the left, not all of it. In your eagerness to be a PITA you pounced before you looked. But being you, I don't expect you to say anything productive. 

All the best,
I have used QED silver anniversary cable for years in my system. Silver plated ofc copper. I find it provides excellent high frequency detail, yet retains informative tight bass frequencies. I use the biwire version of the cable. I see no reason to change it out as I’m happy with the way it sounds. Orton seems to like to use silver in the construction of some of their cartridges, the 2m silver and both the 2m bronze and 2m black.. silver plated copper wire. I use the 2m bronze, it's a fantastic cartridge. 
Notice in the quote that I said some of it went about 1/3 to the left, not all of it. In your eagerness to be a PITA you pounced before you looked. But being you, I don't expect you to say anything productive.

Again, we go back to Occam's razor. Some of it went 1/3 to the right, so like 10-20 degrees. You do realize this is a major change?  Stranded wire does not do this. Copper / silver does not do this. A significant shift in the frequency response on only one side could do this. In your eagerness to blame stranding, you did not think.  You have assigned a conclusion without any consideration to whether that conclusion even makes sense or is possible.

Multiple Migs,
You really need to get a hobby. Would you have not blown your top if I had said it differently, like the imaged fattened up and seemed bloated?

That, and where in hell did you get the 10º-20º degree shift? Are you capable of remote viewing? Tell me, just how large is the image of Elinor Frey playing the prelude for Bach’s Suite No.1 for solo cello in my living room and just how far to the left is the center of my left speaker? How far back do I sit?

You’re going overboard in opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

All the best,

Unless you are somewhat close to a 60 degree angle, say 50-70, your sound stage is probably pretty screwed up anyway. Sure narrower gives a better defined center image, and wider can give you more stage width while making the center fuzzy, and that is all personal preference, but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. 1/3 of 1/2 of 60 = 10 degrees. Easy peasy.

Again, Occam's razor. You are trying to assign special properties, outside what is possible, to stranded wire. The reasonable thing to do is look at what is more likely. You are misinterpreting, you are biased, or something is broken.  Stop getting all incensed, step back, and think about what is really happening and why.  Getting angry at me is not going to change your listening, though it may reinforce or break a bias. I lean towards the former.