Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
All the best Peter.  And to everyone who had a momentary insensitive thought, this is no joke, and if you co-sign unkind behavior towards this situation, be safe. I hope that you don’t personally experience how serious this is.

Peter, since learning of your recent (second) bout with COVID I have been thinking about you each day.  I check this forum thread to learn of the latest report on your health.  It's so good to know that you are on the mend.

Thank you for being the quality human being that you are.  The world needs more people like you.

Best wishes.  L'chaim
Peter well enough to report on his own illness is very good news indeed. You have many many people right behind you, Peter. 
Glad you are improving.  I am an integrative MD who is aware of conventional wisdom as well as nutritional/natural modes of healing.  Ignored by the big money medical system is the foremost role of vitamin D in suppressing inflammation and the severe cytokine storm of serious covid illness.  Vitamin D 25 hydroxy blood levels should be maintained over 50 ng/ml for a protective benefit.  Most of my patients and I require 5000 IU (125 mcg) of vitamin D3 daily to maintain these levels.  If they have not been taking any vitamins, their levels are usually way below 20, posing greatly increased risks for any infection and many cancers.  In urgent situations, I advise 20,000 IU daily for 1 week, then maintenance of 5000 IU daily.  Vitamin D3 is very cheap, from any vitamin store, OTC from pharmacies.  At Costco, a bottle of Nature's Bounty 400 doses of 5000 IU is only about $16 retail, often on sale for $12.  For over a year supply, dirt cheap.

I am now 68.  In late March 2020 I had a mild covid illness, probably due to my healthy diet, slender body (6 feet, 160 lbs), and excellent vitamin D levels for the past 20 years.  Ten months after my mild covid illness, I still had the natural covid antibodies.