10" self powered sub-woofers.....

I was using an NHT B10 d to supplement the bottom end of my Acoustat 100 hybrid speakers...  electrostatic panel over an 8" woofer module.  Due to the unexpected death of one of the subs in our living room I decided to move the B10 d there, to augment an NHT C10, and replace the sub in my listening room/office.
Since I've had good experiences with Stereophile Recommended Components over the years I decided to look up their recommendations on 10" subs and found a Martin Logan Dynamo 800X which is a 300 W 10" sub with ARC and phone app controls. It also meets the maximum width of 14.0" I have available for it.  The other alternative is the also recommended JL Audio E110 at about double the price.  Since there really aren't any salons in Miami to go listen to this gear being able to return it after 60 days or thereabouts if it doesn't work as contemplated is essential.  I can get the ML from Music Direct or Amazon... probably Best Buy too.
Any other recommendations are welcome as long as they meet the 14.0 maximum width criteria, are self powered and designed for music as a primary application vs. home theater explosions.

@doctors11     had a long paragraph about tuning the NHTs using the CMAs I recorded Sunday + some passages from Fear The Walking Dead.  Real PIA having to move a chair and plant to get to the back of one and the other from the balcony but it is what it is.  Too much stuff is recorded with such miserable mastering there is great variation from movie to movie and such.They will get there.
The ML sub is slowly coming along..  much friendlier on the back and knees since everything is Bluetooth adjust.  Should have my Audioquest Z3 power cord, Audioquest power cord adapter and RCA 90 degree adapters and some heavily copper braid shielded 3M RCA cables in by COB Friday. Then I can get it on it's spikes and see how it likes urbane thug tunes compared to jazz blues and such while I figure out what interconnects it will finally get.  Stay tuned.
" urbane thug tunes"...that got me laughing. I don't even know what that is!

I forgot to ask will you be using the built in Anthem Room Correction? Curious how well that works.
Your making me laugh now.....   that's the heavy bass stuff Heebie and Jeebie listened too in the low rider cruising the hood to check on their ladies to make sure they out street workin'...
I have both the Anthem app and the Anthem that seems built in to the ML app.  Keeping in mind that my specific application is nothing like full scale for the sub I surmise it will work fine.  OTOH, I'm in a fully treated room and expect the sub to perform from maybe 40 hz (+/-) to 22hz  or so that feature does not really apply to my application.
I'm getting close..  both rooms now.  AFAIC, very capable sub I could easily recommend (as Stereophile did) and a winner most certainly in it's price range.  I suspect it will be even better with a better power cord and interconnects up on it's spikes.
Stay tuned.

In reading this thread I thought I had discovered the perfect sub for me, the Martin Logan Dynamo 800X. But sadly it isn't. My amp has no pre outs, so I have to use the speaker level connections. But the SWT-X wireless system is not compatible with that configuration. Bummer, the search continues.
@charliee  I suspect you mean receiver?  Which probably has tape outputs which will do the same thing.  If you are using a stand alone amplifier you may be able to split the line level input signal..  where there is a will there is a way.