Best "small footprint" speaker between $600-1000

Looking probably for the impossible. But here goes....Seeking an "exceptional small footprint floodstander that can be bought "USED" for BETWEEN $600 TO $1000. I have owned the Vandersteen IC, and Silverline Prelude II.....very good speakers but not exceptional.

A member recommended the Epos 16i and/or Linn Majik 109, but neither sell USED for under $1000. Recommnedations needed
I've really been enjoying my Monitor Audio RS-6's for the past couple of years. Outstanding bass for its size. Nice overall presentation. I'm sure you could pick up a used pair for around $700 or so.
Interestingly, I have looked for the Monitor Audio RS-6, but just can,'t come up with a pair.

The Totem Arro is smaller, but does not play as loud as the MA's. But, the Totem is more money "used". This I can attribute to how grossly over priced they are NEW, which applies to almost the entire Totem line. I would spend $700 fora used pair of Arros, but no more. Thanks guys, Jim
If you are considering monitor speakers on stands the Green Mountain Audio Europa and Von Schweikert VR-1 are overachievers. You can buy either speaker used in the $500 price range.