Thanks @rlb61 I'm now experimenting with different toe-in angles.
@millercarbon, thanks for your thoughts: I started with a measuring tape and a laser, got everything perfectly symmetrical but the imaging was off. I thought I have channel imbalance issues, tried to measure the amp, sources, etc. That's when I stumbled upon the "master set". It made sense to me since no room is equal, nor perfect, and the reflections will not be equal either. On the left, I have big windows covered by heavy curtains, on the right I have a door. There is a desk in a corner and a shelf in another, so it's quite difficult to get symmetry. Now it sounds quite good, but I wanted to get specific input from other Pulsar owners to dial in the last millimeters :)
The reason I'm interested in the experience of Pulsar owners with specific songs is to figure out if the low bass issues are speaker-related or something else, like amp, room, cables. A few songs that have these notes: Bird on a wire, the big drums on the left have a long reverb that lingers and causes constant vibrations that I feel in my chest and feet. In Paula Cole's Tiger, it's quite similar, the bass comes in around 45 seconds in the song and sounds a bit muffled/muddy to me, but I haven't heard it on another system so I can't compare. Another slightly annoying sound is in Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones, comes from the center, really low and really not nice, sounds more like someone hitting a wall. But maybe this is just in the recordings/mastering.
By the way, the Ballad of the runaway horse sounds perfect all the way, even with high volumes.
So if anyone is in the mood to listen to these songs and give their subjective feedback might help me get on the right track :)
@millercarbon, thanks for your thoughts: I started with a measuring tape and a laser, got everything perfectly symmetrical but the imaging was off. I thought I have channel imbalance issues, tried to measure the amp, sources, etc. That's when I stumbled upon the "master set". It made sense to me since no room is equal, nor perfect, and the reflections will not be equal either. On the left, I have big windows covered by heavy curtains, on the right I have a door. There is a desk in a corner and a shelf in another, so it's quite difficult to get symmetry. Now it sounds quite good, but I wanted to get specific input from other Pulsar owners to dial in the last millimeters :)
The reason I'm interested in the experience of Pulsar owners with specific songs is to figure out if the low bass issues are speaker-related or something else, like amp, room, cables. A few songs that have these notes: Bird on a wire, the big drums on the left have a long reverb that lingers and causes constant vibrations that I feel in my chest and feet. In Paula Cole's Tiger, it's quite similar, the bass comes in around 45 seconds in the song and sounds a bit muffled/muddy to me, but I haven't heard it on another system so I can't compare. Another slightly annoying sound is in Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones, comes from the center, really low and really not nice, sounds more like someone hitting a wall. But maybe this is just in the recordings/mastering.
By the way, the Ballad of the runaway horse sounds perfect all the way, even with high volumes.
So if anyone is in the mood to listen to these songs and give their subjective feedback might help me get on the right track :)