Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.


You meant, the far Left nonsense permeates everything these days.

Happy Listening!
Save for old people who tragically have no choice, COVID mainly infects the unintelligent.
If it catches on hot again, I am expecting a big jump in cognitive behaviour.  Who knows, it could be a good thing.
Chuck hit the nail on the head!

A John Hopkins University researcher posted those statistics on Twitter.
Twitter removed the post, then John Hopkins removed it from their web sight.

Trust the science they said (unless it contradicts the narrative).

It's funny, I don't remember anyone being concerned when the Motor City Mad Man caught the Flu in the past.
"Save for old people who tragically have no choice, COVID mainly infects the unintelligent."

We all hope you recover quickly.