Nonoise, I see you and others try to play this trick with me and perhaps you do it with others. I am the newest boogie man I see. I am but one person. For the most part, I don’t see people who take a more reasoned and skeptical approach to improvement throwing out random insults when others don’t agree with them. Yes, they will state, repeatedly bias, because it is very real, and unavoidable. They may point out statements that are simply untrue, by any understanding we have (which is quite extensive). But the name calling, the insults, the deflections from the topic, all signs of being unable to address the issue, that comes from people like you. Those are the signs of someone angry and incensed. As Prof pointed out, you and others accuse everyone else of being narrow and dogmatic, but you fail to even consider it yourselves to the point of not even being able to admit that you have bias and are fallible. You insist we say it is our way or the highway, but the only thing we insist on is recognizing that you have bias, and you are fallible. It is a simple statement of truth. You and other claims "trust your ears", but you don't trust your ears. If you did, you would not practically insist on sighted comparisons. Worse, you claim that people who take a reasoned and skeptical approach only "listen to measurements", to such a degree that you try to throw this in our faces, even though in a given topic, measurements have not been mentioned, at all, and every bit of the discussion is about ears only testing. Don't say it does not happen. It has happened a few times just in the last week. I am sorry that these forums are primarily public and you have to be exposed to opinions and facts that you do not like.