The Absurdity of it All

50-60-70 year old ears stating with certainty that what they hear is proof positive of the efficacy of analog, uber-cables, your favorite latest and greatest audio "advancement." How many rock concerts under the bridge? Did we ever wear ear protection with our chain saws? Believe what you will, but hearing degrades with age and use and abuse. To pontificate authority while relying on damaged goods is akin to the 65 year old golfer believing his new $300 putter is going to improve his game. And his game MAY get better, but it is the belief that matters. Everything matters, but the brain matters the most.
Best at what? This is quite a statement. What do you have to back it up and that describes exactly what they are best at? I don't think you can support this statement, and I am quite certain you can't support it as a universal statement.
No, it is not an opinion, it is a universally accepted fact that maestros perceive and direct music even better with age in normal conditions...

Then why do they almost always do their best, most memorable work in their earlier ages, at least the ones who bring forth new interpretations on classics?  One could equate your statement to nothing more than good pattern matching. They have conducted said piece so many times, and with so many orchestras, that they instantly recognize when something is out of place, at least to their liking. However, we are talking for the most part what could be somewhat gross variances. However, their experience cannot overcome very real physical deterioration. They won't hear those quiet passages quite as well, or how well a quiet note tails off.

But lets walk back your statement I don't think it is universally accepted that maestros perceive and direct music even better with age. I think you will find that statement hard to support. I think what you will find, is that the best conductors, are the best, no matter what age they are at. The remaining conductors at an advanced age are remaining, not because they are better with age, but because they are better period, and always have been. Did know there are studies into how long conductors live. They seem to have long average lives.

You seem to like trolling me to tell me ...
If you think I’m a troll, please alert the moderators.

Otherwise, please give your insults a rest. Some of us are trying to have a conversation here.
But lets walk back your statement I don’t think it is universally accepted that maestros perceive and direct music even better with age. I think you will find that statement hard to support. I think what you will find, is that the best conductors, are the best, no matter what age they are at. The remaining conductors at an advanced age are remaining, not because they are better with age, but because they are better period, and always have been. Did know there are studies into how long conductors live. They seem to have long average lives.
I must say that this dont demolish my point but i recognize the validity of your remark indeed...

Then i will declare a win/win for each...

For sure even Maestros decline like all of us...

My point is they are recognized for their musical perception learned ability not for their frequencies range perception "per se".... 😊

Like you said they stay there because they are always the best not ONLY by habit.... I listen to an hour with Maestro Ansermet directing practice with his orchestra.... At 80 years old the old dog was barking with very articulated speech directives and accurate perception....

It is in french tough sorry....

@wolf_garcia ....ha, you made my Day...sent your post to RV...

every pair of Vandersteens comes with a warning to protect your hearing...
to paraphrase Oscar Wilde : Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. ( Be your best self )

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