Speakers The single most critical component

I know we've been over this Q hundreds of X's over the past 20 years here on audion, You can find dozen of topics dealing with this Q <which is the ,,,,most important component...>>
well time for yet 1 more topic dealing with this,, perhaps unanswered, un-resolved issue.
I'm bringing up the old hachet due to my recent experience acutally hearinga FR in my system. 
Let me tell you, there is not even 1 traditional/conventioanl/xover design <The Boxed Type>> in the world that could convince me  , there is something that will beat out FR (caveat, FR requires  some sort of high sens =sensitivity, tweeter)  in  the Boxy world of speakers.
That is to say, FR + Compression Horn is the future of 21st Century high fidelity. 
One lab has already brought us these ~~~SHF~~~ aka SuperHighFidelity  single drivers. 
The code word here is ~~SHF~~~ which can not never be employed when describing xover/trad/conventioanl style  aka The Box designs. db level under 91 are _<<IN-EFFICIENT>> , = dysfunctional, out dated, old school , = Dinasaurs. 
For amps, I only consider tube amps (PP and SET) as ~~SHF~~~ I can not include ss amps in this topic. 
IMHO all well made tube amps sound very close,
 a  kt88 in brand X will sound  close to brand Y. 
So amplification takes a  distant 2nd place in critical component.  No need to break the bank buying amp A vs  a  lower priced kt88 amp B
CD players, nearly all  tube DAC's , tube cdp-ers sound  close. No need to braek the bank over X vs Y.
My Jadis DAC is  only miniscule gain over the Shanling,
 the Shanling
only a  miniscule gain over the Cayin CD17. 
Now as for  best source  , phonograph is the ideal playback medium vs cds. 
I have some LP's now , but my main collection are classical cds, most not on LP version. Cables , I did note some gains employing silver/copper wiring throughout my entire system including inside the Defy.
Tweak worthy.
New Mundorf caps in all componets, tweak worthy. 
Yet the main central component remaisn the speakers.
Here is where  the entire audio resolution either rises to Nirvana or falls to <<distortion/muddy waters,/pollution/anti-fidelity  voicing  issues.
Your system's fidelity is ultimately dependent on what speaker  you have chosen to employ.
Forget all you've learned over the years, 
The new mantra is <,The speaker is key component>
All else is just extra tweaks/nuances. 
To sum up, a  ~~SHF~~ driver will match even the top of line Wilson weighing in at hundreds of lbs priced $$$$$$$ overa single FR driver. 
FR beats out any/all xover box design speakers. Mostly due to that key specification ~~db level~~~ which is everything in speaker design and thus in resolution/fidelity. 

@mozartfan I have been building tube amps for 40+ years, and tubes are by far my preferred mode of amplification. However I can not agree with a blanket statement such as
I might even go so far as to say a well designed ss amplification may be acceptable if pair with full range/TI compression.
Well designed SS amplifiers are just as capable as tube amplifiers in ANY application. It’s all about the creator, and not what devices they chose to implement their vision.
Well designed SS amplifiers are just as capable as tube amplifiers in ANY application.
You are right Sansui proved it with a comparison many decades ago between his best S.S. design and his own Best Tubes design.... Impossible to distinguish the two by listening...

 Ok my deep respect and i vanish now....
I’ve just been re-reading some of this stuff, and the Dynaco St70‘s (I’ve built four of them) and Shanlings don‘t exactly do it for me. I would be looking at some serious upgrades before changing speakers. Get serious folks........
No number of modifications can paper over the fundamental flaws in an amplifier. Believe me, I have tried them all.
Richard Gray  finally wrote me about pairing the  Voxativ's  Ac1C driver with the Jadis Defy7 mark2, 100 wattts channel, 12 Kt88's, its a beast of a amp. 
1st Ricahrd tells me quite often past 8 months, the Thors are <,the wrong speaker for the Defy>>> , 
now he tells me the Vox high sens is not the <<ideal/right? speaker for the Defy.
I just wrote Ricahrd, <Look we only have 2 choices, box/xover low sens or FR high sens>>
Then he says the Vox single will requirea  large cabinet, as i told him i will build mid size, lighter weight.
He says not doing. 
I can see Vox has small bookshelf speakers, not sure the size, maybe 6.5 driver.
Richard is throwing road blocks in my path to the Vox project. 
I need to havea  long discussion at his shoop there on Jeff Hwy, acoss from Oschner Hospital, monay, He is only open mon-wednesday.
We are going to get to the bottom of this speaker mis-match thing.
If anyone has experience in this matching tube + speaker please chime in.
Richard says the match is the SET amps, 
Vox has one, like $20k-$30k can't recall price, She's a beaute.
But I have no cash for another amp. 
I'm part german and bull headed, I am going Vox for either success or ~~~disaster~~~~
Thing is, I have the chinese Diatone 6./5 and find it very pleasing, and could  easily live with that driver + a TI Horn, with no complaints. 
But I'm looking for more. and @ $2k, its attainable.