Which Phono Preamp?

E.A.T. Glo S Petit, PS Audio Stellar Phono, or Pass Labs X-17?  
System is:

Pass Labs INT-60
VPI Classic 3 w/JMW 10.5 tonearm
Soundsmith Hyperion cartridge
Volti Audio Rival speakers
Ag insider logo xs@2xjjgasp
@xcool, Keith explained there is a part, can’t remember which, that he has to order in batches of 100, which he’s hesitant to do at this time.
The Herron is a great phono stage, however, we felt the Zesto Deluxe II was clearly better. The Zesto Deluxe II is more expensive. We havent had a chance to compare the Herron head to head with the entry level Zesto Andros II yet. Although the Andros crushed the Manley Chinook which we thought was pretty average. I would suggest the Herron over anything on your list by a wide margin.

We are a Zesto dealer.

Also you should really look at a tube amp/preamp or integrated amp for your speakers. OTLs would be spectacular. Nothing against Pass I just dont think it is a good fit. 
@audition.  Thanks for your input.  I actually also have a Linear Tube Audio Ultralinear, which is a ZOTL. 
I would go with the pass phono to play with the pass integrated to mesh into your system better trying another phono stage might work to but staying with the same brand should sound the best.