@cd318 I heard a $150k system with Wilson Tiny Tots and the Puppy subwoofer many years ago. They sounded good from an "audiophile" perspective meaning extended highs and solid lows. Perhaps they also sounded a little "slow". But for me what they produced didn't sound like music with a sound that felt somewhat artificial and that lacked flow. The fact that they were powered by Krell amplification could have been the cause or perhaps didn't help matters.
Having been acquainted with audio dealers in several major cities, I've found that equipment cost in audio does not always correlate with how musical a system can sound. Sometimes the cost-is-no-object equipment tries to stretch too far in what it can accomplish and ends up losing the ability to sound musical.
Having been acquainted with audio dealers in several major cities, I've found that equipment cost in audio does not always correlate with how musical a system can sound. Sometimes the cost-is-no-object equipment tries to stretch too far in what it can accomplish and ends up losing the ability to sound musical.