Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
As an MD, I totally agree with your paragraph,  "In my experience as a primary care provider the worst reactions to the vaccines are occurring in people who have already had the disease. I have already had over 300 cases in my practice so I think this opinion is a little better than anecdotal. I suggest that low risk individuals who have had the disease do not get vaccinated. The drive to get as many people vaccinated as possible is highly suspect. Trusting the pharmaceutical industry for advice in this regard is quite frankly, dangerous."

It is also possible that Peter experienced the phenomenon called "antibody dependent enhancement," aka "pathogenic priming," which is a parallel explanation of your 1st sentence.  This occurs when a neutralizing antibody to an incoming virus may instead act as a binding antibody.  The neutralizing antibody is desirable, but the binding antibody actually makes the virus more able to infect cells.  There is a good review of this on on 4/19/21.  There are 196 references on this--many full texts.  It is speculative whether animal trials documenting this for vaccines in the prior SARS covid 1 and MERS will be applicable to the present covid 2 virus and variants.


Yes, "do not put all your eggs in one basket."  The conventional pharmaceutical approach is to design magic bullets that target a particular receptor, which is equivalent to all the eggs in 1 basket.  Vitamin D is the most important nutraceutical, but other dietary and lifestyle habits also contribute to better health outcomes.

I don't want to convert this thread into extended medical discussions when the purpose is to wish Peter well and help in his recovery.  With audio, there is no single magic bullet to audio bliss.  Still, I rate the speaker as most important, closely followed by the cartridge in a compatible arm and turntable, playing a great recording.  The chain of audio components is analogous to an integrative medical approach of nutritional optimization plus drugs when necessary.

"I don't want to convert this thread into extended medical discussions when the purpose is to wish Peter well and help in his recovery."

I cannot agree more.

(that is why I did not comment on your specific approach)
Peter, I hate to disagree with you Lol, but surely these are "your" poems.
I mean, isn't this how all art and inspiration works? Ideas come, the artist has no idea how.
I don't ."write" them....I just write them down.
Even that's poetic, and modest. 
Poems...they appear out of “ nowhere “, normally with tears.....many flavors of tears....