Thank you for your medical response and perspective. To be clear; I had sniffles and mild cough on a Monday (infected by a co-worker who did NOT get a Covid test for jaw/sinus pain started the prior week) and they infected everyone @ Soundsmith. By Wednesday, symptoms were mostly gone, so I got the 2nd shot Thursday at 2PM. Withing 4 hours was racked with pain, fever and headache. Friday Am was unable to breathe well, (hurt upon any kind of deep breathing) and Saturday/Sunday same. Monday AM got rapid test (positive) and PCR. Tuesday am got PCR positive test result, and called ambulance at noon due to not breathing well and all other symptoms. There you have the beginning of the sage, and transferred after 12 hours to a larger medical center for possible surgery for saddle PE. I think folks should consider getting a PCR test 4 days before 2nd shot - to be "safer".
Peter (still here..... ) For every Covid insight, there are 10 new questions. - I am very moved by the good wishes of those on this forum. As I live alone, this was very deeply frightening at a number of levels both in the hospital and when I came home alone and quarantined to "try" to care for myself. .
Peter (still here..... ) For every Covid insight, there are 10 new questions. - I am very moved by the good wishes of those on this forum. As I live alone, this was very deeply frightening at a number of levels both in the hospital and when I came home alone and quarantined to "try" to care for myself. .