Silver cables added resolution

Hi All,
I’ve been able to test some silver cables, and they seem to perform differently (in a good way) from the Copper ones. With the current cables I have one point where it seems to be very clear is the added resolution, specifically at the top end.

On my system, and because of the added resolution, it seems I now hear more of the mains noise.,I was wondering if anyone had similar experiences and what they did to reduce the mains noise perception?

Thanks in advance

For what this is worth....
I was discussing the impact of all silver versus hybrid silver and copper with a rep from Kimber Kable.  I was able to get 2 sets used from a friend and was trying understand what was the difference between the cables.

"They're explanation of the intended difference was all 'silver' would transmit the information better and the result would be excellent high frequency performance and clarity in details.  The hybrid was intended to enable dynamic impact especially on lower frequencies because 'copper' tended to provide better bass performance." 

They both were a noticeable upgrade from the Better Cables I was using and I couldn't differentiate between the all silver and hybrid silver copper (1 copper line used for the ground, 2 silver used for + and -).
Have you measured it? done any blind A B testing? Then it is all in your brain.

ashoka... blind listening tests over the course of a week.

I focused the auditioning on DAC to preamp then preamp to amp.

And I was hoping to be not hear a difference as my friend was planning to sell them on eBay.

And it could still be in my brain because when listening to music you can easily have your mind drift into memories of listening...
High end companies do sophisticated things to make cables sound good. Lessor companies sound like the metal they use
A big yes on that.

I use silver cables and found that a better made set exhibits none of the usual attributes bandied about on audio forums.

That, and cable synergy can go a long way, but I, myself, don't use all the same make of cable but when it comes to bi wiring, heck yes. Just to be clear, I use Cabledyne silver speaker cables and Darwin silver ICs and TWL copper PCs.

I've gone through the trouble of trying this and that cable to complement the ones I use on the lows and nothing really worked. I have a set from the same make finally figured out how to use two bananas on a single input, bringing serendipity to my doorstep. 

As for mains noise, I doubt you'd hear it the way you describe. Mains noise, for me, was an overall masking of detail, air and focus that I got rid of by getting a power conditioner. I didn't think I'd hear that much of an improvement, but I did, and the noise you're hearing, I wasn't. 

That, and you say the noise was already there and is now more apparent, so it could be the cables or they're clearing things up enough to hear that problem from somewhere else.

All the best,Nonoise
Hi All,

Spoke with the guys that sold me the XLR’s and they are shielded. The cable is a 3 wire plus a shield layer.

Thinking about my rig and how it is setup, and the only cables that do not have a shield layer connected are the power cables. Probably the noise is getting in the system at this level - but not shore.
Probably the Silver XLR cables are only showing something that was already there.

I will have to check this situation before hand has I’ve had this cables for years and alway preformed well.

