Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 

Mr. Ledermann,

Your poems are just beautiful and I along with others thank you for those, and I along with others also thank-you for your candid discussion of your experience and even in the face of your experience your continued belief in the vaccine(s).  

One item to note is that healthcare providers are required (by law I assume) by the CDC/FDA to  Reporting Adverse Events Following Vaccination  Reporting Adverse Events Following Vaccination | Vaccine Safety | CDC and given the circumstances of your situation I would be surprised (maybe naïve) that the CDC would not be VERY interested in your case (assuming the report was filed).  If the CDC was actively involved in your case, it should bring in quite a bit of horsepower, and (trying to keep this light), who knows you may get the personal attention of Dr. Fauci. 

Take care,

PS/You know this site is not up to date when it thinks Fauci is a spelling error - LOL.
Glad to hear that you are improving Peter. Please don't prioritise cartridges over your recuperating. We want you around for the long haul.

Also thank you for telling us about the delivery of your poetry. By not taking credit, you strengthen the bond with the source of everyone's inspiration.

Stay well Sir. A lot of people hold you dear in their hearts.
local famous  restaurant boss husband and wife both just dead contacted covid after 2nd sinovac vaccine.

@viber6 good to hear I'm doing the right thing for my family. 5000iu a day since March 2020.

 local dr say 2x1000 a day. without proper measurement and test they recomend. kill many people