Dual 701 pops fuse.

I recently bought a Dual 701 TT. Cleaned up nice but the T125mA fuse on the power supply board was blown. Put another higher rated fuse to see if it ran, yes it does. Put in a 500mA I had and played for a little while and it popped. So is the .047uF cap the culprit or could the EDS1000 motor be drawing more current than it should. I am not a techie, please keep it simple. Thanks.
T 125mA is marked on the board & in the manual on VE.com. I did not run it very long with the higher fuse value. It is wired for 110V.
Waiting on parts. A stupid pimple & fuse. The SM states it is a T125 mA 250V slow blow fuse. I’ll put that in when they arrive. Haven’t touched it till then. Give it a thorough clean & lube. Hopefully I’ll get it going to speed. A little confused on the advice I have got on the 0.047uF cap on the power board. Should I go ahead & replace it or not. Could it be the cause of the fuse popping originally?