EMM Labs vs. Esoteric X-01

Hi All,
I have had the EMM Labs CDSD and Dac6e for about a year. I've been really intrigued by all the press about the X-01, so I bought a used unit off Audiogon. I'm beginning the process of comparing the two units in SACD and Redbook playback. For now, it will all be 2 channel, until I get my multichannel back up and running.
As I realize that this is an issue of taste more than anything else, I will try to avoid hyberbole. My quick, initial impressions is that they are more alike than different, particularly in SACD mode. In Redbook, it's a somewhat different story. The Esoteric is a superlative Redbook player, with rock-solid imaging and a real sense of space. The Meitner, while it sounds very good, isn't nearly as detailed. One of my favorite tracks is on Emmylou Harris' Spyboy album, "The Maker". On the Esoteric, one can sense and even feel Emmylou in the middle, with the percussion section just behind her. There are 2 musicians on either side of her, playing guitar and Banjo (i believe). You can feel all the percussion that goes on. The Meitner doesn't have nearly the defined sense of space that the Teac presents, but Emmylou's voice sounds just great. It also doesn't present that deep percussion that one can feel in your chest.
FWIW, the rest of my system is an ARC Ref3 preamp, a Boulder 2060 stereo amp and Dynaudio Evidence Temptations, backed up by a REL Studio 3 subwoofer. All the cabling is Nordost Valhalla. The room is heavily treated.

More to come later.

David Shapiro
What a great song that is.

And an excellent track to use to evaluate components. As you say, the drum solo towards the end should be really impressive, and those couple of deep bass slams should hit you in the chest.

As would have it, I'm on the road at the current time and have David Lanois' "Acadie" with me. I think I'll listen to "The Maker" on the way to work.

I disagree with Elberoth2 - I have not found the EMM Labs to be cold sounding. It's not as richly euphonic as the Reimyo or Zanden, but are they adding something?

Deshapiro, X-01 + Ref 3 is a fab combination. . . my own Ref 3 is being broken in as we speak and may be hopping over the 100 hrs mark as I am writing this note. It is worth pointing out that Teac America also pairs the ARC Ref 3 with the X-01 in their reference system. Amplification in that particular system is provided by a pair of Teac Esoteric A-70 monoblocks (200W per chassis) regretably not available for sale in the USA. Elbroth2, I Can't comment on EMM because I haven't heard it yet, but X-01 is not harsh AT ALL, provided you are patient enough to break it in for at least 800 hrs.
Just received an Esoteric X-01 "Limited Edition over the weekend and have started the breakin process. I have had some previous experience with a friend's UX-1. As solidly built as the unit is, it still benefits from more isolation. I have sited the X-01 on the top shelf of a Finite Elemente Pagode Master Reference stand, using three Cerabases, one under each foot of the X-01. This seems to work better than directly against the bottom of the X-01. I am also using a top of the line Omega Micro red power cord. Early impression is phenomenal bass with excellent control and excellent dynamics and pin point imaging.