Silver cables added resolution

Hi All,
I’ve been able to test some silver cables, and they seem to perform differently (in a good way) from the Copper ones. With the current cables I have one point where it seems to be very clear is the added resolution, specifically at the top end.

On my system, and because of the added resolution, it seems I now hear more of the mains noise.,I was wondering if anyone had similar experiences and what they did to reduce the mains noise perception?

Thanks in advance

Hi All,

Spoke with the guys that sold me the XLR’s and they are shielded. The cable is a 3 wire plus a shield layer.

Thinking about my rig and how it is setup, and the only cables that do not have a shield layer connected are the power cables. Probably the noise is getting in the system at this level - but not shore.
Probably the Silver XLR cables are only showing something that was already there.

I will have to check this situation before hand has I’ve had this cables for years and alway preformed well.



A combination of silver cables and Bruckner 9 with the Chicago Symphony orchestra conducted by Solti will set your teeth on edge !! Long before hi-fi reviewers started banging on about "coherent cable looms", I decided that cables from one manufacturer was the way to go. Having chased the "n"s used for copper and auditioned silver interconnects ( I still have them somewhere but could not bring myself to inflict them on anyone else), I settled on Linear Structured Carbon - as did Martin Colloms of Hi-fi Critic fame.
I had the opportunity a few weeks ago to hear both copper and silver speaker cables on multiple set ups.  In every combination you could easily hear more detail on the silver speaker cables. The background music came alive and provided significant depth.  
that's utter nonsense about Silver Sounding bright and thin :-) This comes from those who purchased inferior grade silver-plated stuff or are just spreading rumours based on other people opinion.

Albedo Silver Cables Their Mono-Crystal Version are anything but bright or forward sounding even thin. If the listener is not told he is listening to Silver he would not even know.  Many other Silver Cables sounding nothing like what the rumors are saying.

some of the worlds most expensive cables all use Silver to high purity form. Silver has had bad reputation only because of the internet rumours based upon someone opinion with inferior grade stuff.

Real Silver, not Mixed stuff sounds anything but bright. I find resolution increased, The Emotional connection just gets closer. 

The Albedo Silver i have are smooth as silk and even better then all the copper i ever had tried in my room.