Searching for new speakers: Wilson, B&W, ??

My quest continues for the "right" speaker. I am looking for a good match for my current system. All ARC with a VT100MKII (100watt per ch) amp. I don't want to go any bigger with the amp (not any time soon) It sounds really good with my Martin Logans, but I am looking for more low end and mid bass. I listen to rock, classic rock, and jazz mostly. I want something that I can listen too for hours at low volume without fatigue. And for it to be musical and engaging with good bass response at lower volume. I occasionally get loud. My room is about 15x22 with a vaulted ceiling. Its hard for me to demo these where I live, I have heard and like the B&W 804 or 803 ,really like the look. And I like the Wilson Sophia which at its used price would be about my spending limit. Thank you
Well, as opposed to some responses here which don't answer your question, but merely implore you to buy the brand THEY did, I'll give this a shot. The B&W's are great speakers. For the price difference, try to go with the 803 as the extra bass is welcome and they are not too much larger. They are rated at around 89-90db and 8 ohms (but dip to 3 so use the 4 ohm tap on the VT. I also have an ARC VT100 and it will drive these fine. I would avoid the larger 800 speakers as these are bears to drive. The Wilson's are also great speakers and are decently efficient at 89db and 4 ohms nominal are not too difficult to drive, again, just use the 4 ohm tap on the VT. Please note that these are quite different sounding speakers made for different buyers. The Wilson's can be very unforgiving of setup/source,etc,etc. The B&W's are probably easier to live with for always, try to listen to them in your own room if at all possible. Not easy with speakers this large though. Good luck!
My suggestion is to listen to MY favorite speakers...Vandersteen and Magnepan. I owned the big B&W's but tired of them soon.
I highly recommend the PSB line of speakers for your musical tastes and at a reasonable price. Their most expensive Synchrony One is a true bargain, but even their Image line has great bass performance and is smooth and detailed througout the range. I have the 4t, T65 and Stratus Golds and each is a great performer at its price range and the lasted Image t6 can be found for less than a grand and rivals anything close to its price.
That being said, if you can afford the Wilsons or the B&Ws and you like their look, go for it. They are great speakers.
Apples and oranges, or in this case, B&W's and Wilsons.
They are very different...VERY.
The Wilson is clearly a better loudspeaker, much more neutral...less fatiguing...fewer colorations.
I'm thinking that you HAVE what you describe that you're wanting. This may be a simple virus...the stereo bug, that you have...more than anything else...I recognize the symptoms. I've had that disease for more than thirty years now.
After the ML's...the B&W's colorations will make you nuts.


Good listening,
A backward search,buy the speakers you really like then match the amp/pre to it.
Stating that IMO I agree with Larry,the Wilson sophia blows away the B&W..but I wouldnt limit myself to a couple speakers without listening to all thats out there.Dynaudio,Focal both have speakers in your price range.