Bob Carver C-500 worth restoring and/or upgrading??

I have a Carver C-500 that I am the original purchaser of back in the 80’s.
It has been stored well, but has not been used for 30 years. I have a need for a good amp with some power to drive some DynAudio Contour 20 4ohm-rated speakers.
Can anyone "with experience with C-500s" tell me if the amp is worth refurbishing/upgrading? Where I should get it done? ...and a guesstimate cost range? I am looking for good work, not a cheap price. I also respect skilled, knowledgeable technicians... The unit has nostalgic value to me, so if it can compete with today’s solid state amps from a performance standpoint, once refurbed...I want to do it up, RIGHT!
At the very least I will need the capacitors replaced.
Any takers??? (Bob Carver BASHERS need not respond, although I am open to knowledgeable criticism of the C-500 with specific evidence! 😎).
Thanks guys!

Worth restoration? I'm not sure. My first question would be if the power transistors are still available. I would hate to put money into a restoration and then blow an unreplaceable component. 
Good question! That is why I need an "honest" skilled technician who I am willing to pay for his honesty, knowledge, skill and resources. 😬