B&W N802 as an upgrade to 804S?

Good morning. Currently have a pair of B&W 804S. Probably a number of factors at play, but they haven't impressed me, and certianly not the way some of the higher models in the series such as 802D have in store demos. In particular, I have found the 804S difficult to listen to for any extended period. There is a harshness in the highs that is fatiguing, and a variety of music tends to sound cacophonous.

802D is out of my price range but have been considering looking for a used pair of N802. Unfortunately I haven't heard the N802 firsthand, which ultimately may prevent me from pulling the trigger. However, any thoughts on whether the N802 actually represents a signifcant upgrade to the 804S despite being older, and how much different in sound quality the N802 is from the 802D?

Current Equipment Used:
Exposure 3010S integrated amp
Rega P3 turntable, Ortofon 2m Blue
Pro-ject Tube box SE II phono stage
Jolida rerence tube cd player
Audioquest King Cobra interconnects
Tributaries bi-wire speaker cable
Monster power conditioner

Room placement:
The room is about 30' by 12' living/dining area. There are 2 steps down from dining area to sunken living room. Speakers placed at the bottom, facing living room.
The N802 is a huge step up from the 804. Unfortunately, they won't fix the what you're complaining about. A W4S amp will.
N802 is just larger bold emphasis of N804. If you're tired to quick to listen to N804, N802 will get you tired quicker. I could stand them only for 10m in the nice listening room amplified by Mac402.
I've spoken about Mac402 with N802...
Currently you are in the definite quest to get either larger power-amp(200wpc minimum) or easier speakers to drive.
N802 will be huge step up in clarity, soundstage/imaging, and bass response, but, as others have suggested, may even be harsher in highs if that problem exists in your current system. 804S was supposed to have better tweeter than Nautilus series, which had a ruthless metal tweet that revealed imperfect recordings that were bright/harsh. Actually, given your vinyl rig and tube CDP, I'm very surprised that you have such harshness with the 804S, and would suspect something else is going on within the system (ie, hard reflective surfaces, no room treatment). I love and own several B&Ws, including the 803N, but might consider a mellower, softer speaker (ie, soft dome tweeter?) if you cant fix the system-induced origin to the problem (just IMHO).