The Intellectual People Podcast - Galen Gareis (Former Belden Wire Designer)

Former Belden Wire Designer Galen Gareis explains how cables need to meet certain standards and the design parameters around them. He also speaks about the actual science and the subjective side within hifi audio.

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I'm thinking of giving the Iconoclast cables a try between my preamp and monoblocks. I need approximately 25ft XLRs, so these won't be inexpensive (at least using 4x4 with UP-OCC) at $4250. I'm currently using Neotech NEI-3001 Mk III. At this price, I'd expect a fairly noticeable improvement. 

Anyone tried these cables (particularly a longer run) and decided against them?
Which manufacturer, I wonder, would not suggest using all of their components (or at least all they produce) in a single system?

Thinking, and using the huge available knowledge set available to us, as well as our own expertise is not cynicism, it is called critical thought. Most technically knowledgeable people in an area more skeptical of claims, and they are also more immune to confirmation bias. 

When I am looking to invest in mining stocks, I don't ask my dentist nor the guy who drives a truck at the mine. I talk to my friend who is a mining executive and another friend who is a geologist. Using a piece of equipment does not give you expertise. It is like asking someone who drives a car, whether a manufacturers claims of reduced emissions due to platinum/palladium alloys in the catalytic converter is true. Use of something does not confer expertise.
Your automobile analogy in regard to "reduced emissions due to platinum/palladium alloys in the catalytic converter" is exactly how I would expect you to pick the audio equipment that is right for you.

Others may prefer the listening technique though