Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo

What a bargain, still bet they sound great with the right amp up them, looking at that impedance/phase angle graph.
XVX is a very demanding load, with EPDR less than 1.1 ohms between 52Hz and 66Hz and between 197Hz and 287Hz, with minimum values of 0.91 ohms at 450Hz and 0.94 ohms at 3250Hz. The Chronosonic XVX should be used with amplifiers that don't have problems driving loads of 2 ohms and lower.


Cheers George

ozzy621,412 posts04-27-2021 5:12am@edgewound

Looks to me like you’re making a subjective interpretation.

Why don’t you quit trying to be so cryptic and say what you actually mean. Otherwise it’s ALL open to interpretation..........

I have no desire to own a Wilson Audio loudspeaker system. Never have, never will.

But...I do sense a bias on your part. I find a large amount of absurdity in the "audiophile" market. Much of it is a scam. I find the price tag of $300,000 for a loudspeaker system in the realm of absurdity. Call me a realist. Call me envious...I really don’t care. Some things just aren’t worth the price tag... this is one them.
This speaker is the equivalent of a concept car where the auto manufacturer pulls out all stops and builds a cost-no-object SOTA vehicle. The ultimate goal is to showcase the technological/engineering prowess of the company, and not necessarily turn it into a viable product.
But a SOTA speaker would not have such a terrible impedance. Obviously the designer was married to a group of drivers and a crossover design which they put together and lived with the resultant impedance. Bad engineering! 
When I listened to the very nice Alexx V’s, I was quite aware that each speaker cost $65K. Looking at the speaker, and it is nice, there is simply no way that $65K each can be attributed to this product. When one looks at what $65K will buy you, nevermind the asking price of $130K, then one can see how truly absurd this pricing is, IMHO ( and we are not even talking the Chronosonic pricing here, which is even more out there). While the argument can be made that this is easily affordable for a lot of folks, who also apparently are audiophiles, I think that is somewhat irrelevant. More important is the fact that there is really no way to justify this number, at least in my realm of experience, to this product...kind of like asking $20K for the desk top computer I am typing this on...just doesn’t really compute, pun intended.!!