Favorite cable brand.

Interested to hear opinions regarding brand favorites. My personal favorites, at the moment,  are Kimber and Goertz. Two very different sounds yet both quite enjoyable. What are your favorites?
Audio Envy are my favorite budget cable
I'm very happy with ZenWave right now after trying a dozen or so other brands
I use four different cable brands. An Audioquest Diamond 💎 USB, AQ Earth XLR’s, and an AQ Thunder power cable. Two WAVE STORM BNC’s. A Danacable Lazuli Ultra hp cable. And a Stefan Audio Arts Endorfin power cable for my hp amplifier. I like Audioquest because they’re readily available to me and their pricing isn’t too outrageous for what they have. The other three I would consider audiophile boutique offerings.
In order of preference from what I have currently:

Inakustik (by far the best)
Gabriel Gold