What’s wrong with listening to an entire collection once through every 20 years?Nothing is wrong on the contrary you are lucky...
Myself i own near 10,000 diverse formats of music....
I am ashamed to own less than you...... 😁😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?
@fleschler No time to get to know any album. I am more like @mahgister than you, but not to that extent. I don’t know how many hundreds of times I’ve listened to “Kind of Blue” or”Aja” or dozens of others and noticed new things sometimes, especially if I’ve changed a component or better yet, put in a tweak. to each his own...whatever makes you happy and enjoy the hobby. Like I said, I am 100% vinyl, but I can see the attraction of SACDs for a younger audiophile than me by 10-20 years who grew up with no vinyl coming out and their new music only available on CD. I can even understand those who listen to compressed streams in order to explore lots of new music. I’m very picky and very biased towards albums that came out when I was in college and high school and classic (mostly) jazz I discovered 20 years ago. I will say that in listening to Sirius in my wife’s car, I rediscovered a few people/groups that I knew about but never got into and bought some albums that I like. I play CDs in mine because I hate switching stations. Therefore, I guess nobody can be 100% vinyl since you can’t play a turntable in a car. |
@sokogear That's very nice that you enjoy listening to music and don't obsess about the type of delivery. I don't obsess over having "too many" recordings or how many times I listen to them. I've heard AJA about a dozen times and collect most of Steely Dan (I like rock as well as my aforementioned opera, classical, jazz and ethnic music-I don't like rap or hip-hop or most post 1995 pop music). Apparently, 45 car players were available (especially in Chryslers) https://www.hagerty.com/media/automotive-history/obsolete-car-audio-part-2/ https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS891US891&sxsrf=ALeKk01J3K-NhZJ4rIe-yHM-MbaOmlMCLA:... Techmoan is a terrific YourTube site with thoroughly investigated electronics of the past (mostly music related) which I find fascinating https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5I2hjZYiW9gZPVkvzM8_Cw |