Legacy Audio Aeris vs "V"

I am curious if anyone has upgraded from the Aeris to the V. I have been considering it but I am also wondering how much of a difference there is between the two. The V requires another 2 channels of amplification so there is another expense on top of the speaker upgrade. I would welcome any opinions.

You are familiar with my reviews of Legacy Audio speakers at Dagogo.com? V, Valor, Whisper (several reviews of different iterations).

Could you expand on that just a bit? I've heard that Aeris- HT Whisper-Music and V-music?


Yes, I am familiar with your reviews. The one on the V was quite long, detailed and informative. I mean that as a compliment. I have also read the review on TAS. Of course I did my due diligence on the Aeris before I bought them and I must say they are everything and more that I was expecting. At the same time, I feel they are a very much improved Focus speaker and was thinking that the V's would provide more of the musicality and sound stage that the Whispers are said to provide.
Thank you both for your feedback.....