Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?

Because it was scientifically proven to be useless more than 60 years ago.

A speech scientist by the name of Irwin Pollack have conducted an experiment in the early 1950s. In a blind ABX listening test, he asked people to distinguish minimal pairs of consonants (like “r” and “l”, or “t” and “p”).

He found out that listeners had no problem telling these consonants apart when they were played back immediately one after the other. But as he increased the pause between the playbacks, the listener’s ability to distinguish between them diminished. Once the time separating the sounds exceeded 10-15 milliseconds (approximately 1/100th of a second), people had a really hard time telling obviously different sounds apart. Their answers became statistically no better than a random guess.

If you are interested in the science of these things, here’s a nice summary:

Categorical and noncategorical modes of speech perception along the voicing continuum

Since then, the experiment was repeated many times (last major update in 2000, Reliability of a dichotic consonant-vowel pairs task using an ABX procedure.)

So reliably recognizing the difference between similar sounds in an ABX environment is impossible. 15ms playback gap, and the listener’s guess becomes no better than random. This happens because humans don't have any meaningful waveform memory. We cannot exactly recall the sound itself, and rely on various mental models for comparison. It takes time and effort to develop these models, thus making us really bad at playing "spot the sonic difference right now and here" game.

Also, please note that the experimenters were using the sounds of speech. Human ears have significantly better resolution and discrimination in the speech spectrum. If a comparison method is not working well with speech, it would not work at all with music.

So the “double blind testing” crowd is worshiping an ABX protocol that was scientifically proven more than 60 years ago to be completely unsuitable for telling similar sounds apart. And they insist all the other methods are “unscientific.”

The irony seems to be lost on them.

Why do so many audiophiles reject blind testing of audio components? - Quora
However, it has been consistently shown that trained listeners - those who were instructed in advance what to listen for - were more likely to be able to detect differences.

See, to me, audiophiles are people who have already trained themselves on how to listen to equipment and observe differences. 

That said, if you have studies out there where audiophiles were no more effective at detecting differences in audio equipment in blind listening tests than the average Joe on the street, I'd love to take a look at them.  Always game to be enlightened. 

Blind testing has it’s place. Just not in a "Personal Stereo System".
We as individuals are NOT trying to prove to others what we hear is good to them only US. Why try to please the masses because a VERY few want to prove a point.

The issues is not the fact that the testing is good or bad, it just doesn’t have the final say or in my case ANY say in my system building.. No reason for me to use the method.. I like what I like, no need to prove it to anybody. Recommend maybe, BUT I don’t have to prove something is better to anyone.

If I was trying to prove something WAS actually different, trickery by setting terms for testing really isn’t accurate. We are humans and we can be TRICKED. Our hearing is as much a part of seeing when in concert together. NOW add feeling and smell along with a little taste of popcorn, holy moly you got a full blown skewed test because someone POPED popcorn and YOU smelled it..

That same analogy is why a trained ear for some things is ABSOLUTE. There is no other way to gather data into YOUR brain.. You have to listen with your ears, and feel through your bottom, chest, face and hands. ALL are different collection points.. ALL adding to your hearing, perception.

You really can’t measure it, but you can REMEMBER it.. Remember the phone call from a 50 year old friend, you haven’t heard from in 45 years.

You know exactly who it is as soon as they speak.. We have the ability to hear the difference, the question is does every one have that ability?

7 billion people on the planet, one person calls you from 45 years ago. You know exactly who it is...there’s a blind test for ya. That actually has a purpose.. Go figure.. Hello good buddy long time no hear, BUT I can SEE you in my minds eye.. plane as day... Memory is memory.

Have you ever remembered the tune but forgot the words, so you add your own.. Thirty years later your still mumblin’ the wrong lyrics to the same TUNE.. Wrong memory works too, you have to be able to DISCERN the difference.. Tough for some.. Actually a lot.. You have to be able to remember when your WRONG.. Some it is just impossible.. No names ay!!!

I'm naive about this debate, but if someone is willing to help me, IF ABX testing is useful at all, in what circumstances is ABX most useful and when is it least useful?

Blind audio testing – PS Audio
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