What do you have on order RIGHT NOW.

I'm checking the tracking app a few times a day for where my MHDT Orchid DAC is up to between Taiwan and Australia.   And I have super tweeter diaphragms on the way for my IMF RSPM Mark IV's.
What have you got coming. From where to where. Share the excitement or heartache. 
Waiting on, don’t laugh now, sprayable grass seed in green mousse. I got sucked in to the many advertisements on Facebook on this. I found a site that was offering 6 vials of the green mousse and the sprayer for $65.99. Other places were selling the same for $105.00. So, after I pay for the order I find out it’s coming from China!  Ordered last Wednesday, shipped yesterday. By the time I receive it, the grass growing season will be over, all i’ll get is crabgrass
Two Rythmik F12G SE. Please don't tell my wife, she thinks I ordered two mini dorm refrigerators.
Scheduled for delivery tomorrow… Music Fidelity Nu-vista 600 and a Cary DMS 550.
I am excited, among the first changes in my system since 2005.
Put some Spendor D9’s in the room last week. 
2 NOS 1960’s Brimar 12au7’s arriving tomorrow for use in the Hagerman Trumpet. Arriving tomorrow.