dletch2334 posts04-29-2021 6:06pmNo, OHM is 100% wrong. The only thing that changes is your brain.
I'll offer this to you, my door is always open when you want to learn, until then welcome to the Eeyore 6. I have zero time for PURE chosen ignorance. If you really can't tell the difference between cables, guess what YOU can't. It has absolutely nothing to do with ME.
I agree 100% that there are those that will not learn. not everyone is a composer for sure. What university taught you applies in theory, not in practice though.. Sorry fella thing change... A LOT....
Really need to keep up OR Ship out, really.. No one hear want's hear what you can't seem to learn.. NO ONE....
You sound a LOT like audio2design. Not quite as arrogant, but I could alter my online persona enough to pass as someone else too, FOR SURE...
Are all you CLOWNS cut from the same cloth?? You know being dumber than a box of rocks... DUMMIES.. Thanks for the quote Red Fox.. a master of the silver tongue club.. and wonderful mechanic of sorts.. RIP.
The rest of the flat earthers, just shut up... One mouth TWO ears.. use them accordingly... You ARE NOT gonna teach folks that have gone WAY past, YOU CAN'T... YOU MAY LEAVE however. Quickly if you please...