Speakers suggestion that can be driven hard

I have a pair of B&W DM640's. Sound real nice but i have to be real careful with the volume as the tweeter is prone to blowing up. I want to get another set of speakers that I don't have to worry so much about that. i can spend $2000 used. Suggestions?
I had a friend in Minnesota that drove his Snell c5's hard and they always performed for him;at this time his amps were the first run of adcom 555's and then mccormack dna-1 monoblocks.
I have yet to conclude but I swapped tweeters and the defect did not switch L/R speakers. So I suspect the mid. Not the actual speaker but a defect in my own handi work. I put a poly bypass cap on a NPE and maybe have a bad solder connection and I also changed a resistor value and used an older power resistor I had in stock and maybe it wasn't good so as soon as I go in I'll find out. (how embarrassing :)
Ugh, cold solder connection on a poly cap I installed to replace NPE. Fixed sounds great! At least it didn't cost me anything other than aggrevation! Note, these do B&W do play loud enough with no distortion!
Buy an old set of B&W DM7's.
The Xover will not let you pop them. Red light comes on and they break the circuit, then you turn the amp down and 10 seconds later, they click and come back online.
I think there is a set on fleabay right now.