Your Top 10...Are the majority from when you were a teen?

I'm convinced that our favorite recordings will most often include many of our favorites from when we were a kid, say, about a 15 year old teen.  

Of course the list evolves and changes from day to day; however, for me, at least, there's always six or seven from the mid-80's, when I was about 15.  

As a matter of fact, I still have all of those records:  Bob James' H; Ramsey Lewis' Routes; Azymuth's Telecommunication; David Sanborn's Voyeur; Jeff Lorber Fusion's Wizard Island and Galaxian; Grover Washington's Skylarkin'; Spyro Gyra's Catching the Sun; Donald Fagen's The Nightfly just to name a few.  

Those recordings, along with many others from that era, continue to be in my listening rotation today.

Crazy to think they've been on my favorites list for over 35 years! 

not even remotely close.

i’m a child of the 60’s, graduated High School in 1969. so yes; my rock sweet spot is definitely 60’s and 70’s rock. but my tastes and main listening now is classical 60% and jazz 30% both of which i did not know about or was a fan of in my teens. it was not until my kids left home and i got serious about music and hifi in the mid 90’s that i started learning about classical and jazz.

many great classical and jazz recordings are from the 50’s and 60’s for sure, but none i had any idea about back then.

if we get back to pop and rock, which only occupies about 10% of my listening, then i would mostly agree with your premise, but not entirely. there is music worthy of my interest from all eras. but i would say that pop/rock has never reached the creative peak or cultural impact it had in the 60’s and 70’s.

100 years from now people will still listen to 60’s and 70’s pop/rock. much of the drivel since then will be on the dust heap of time...long forgotten and little missed. we have no proof of that, it’s just my opinion.
I'm not stuck in the 60s but I do play all my 60s psychedelic stuff a lot. 
Many of my favorites are from the time period when I was 8-15, but many of them I didn't hear until years later (I'm still discovering some King Crimson).
As much as I still like stuff I listened to in my teenage years (not to mention in my childhood years), I like stuff I've encountered later in life at least as much if not more.  But yeah, I'm definitely an outlier in this regard. Fortunately, so is my wife. Our tastes edge ever forward toward different genres, styles and artists. For me it's Content over Form.