How many vinyl albums do you own you listen to?

So far I own around 300 vinyl albums all purchased in a last 20 years. Even while I listen to for about 10 albums a week it seems I want to keep adding more and more to my library. I wonder if there is a point when one says it's enough, there is no point to add more as there is no time or an interest to listen to them all. How many do you have? How much time it look to put it together? How many of them do you really listen? 
I also have about 7 lineal feet, mostly used buys.  I’ve been buying more new the last few years, so maybe 1/3 are new or quality used purchases.  I definitely don’t need that many and don’t listen to all of them.  No desire to sell through discoed.  Storage is becoming a marital issue, unless I want them in the basement. I am going through the whole collection with my new-to-me two tank US cleaning method and pulling aside those to “sell/trade” to my local record store either because they are too noisy (for the dollar bin) or because I know I will not be moved to listen to them again.  What are my kids going to eventually do with a thousand records?
I just did a quick sample of one shelf -it held 300.  I have five of those shelves so I’d esstimate 1500 lp’s in my collection.  Thats not a lot considering I’ve been buying record since 1980.  Of course many hundered have come and gone over the years.
About 150 and adding slowly - I don't want more than 500.  I suspect there will be one or two more moves in my life and they get heavy.  I try and rotate and listen to ~ 4-5 hours over the weekend.
0. Zero. Don't need 'em - CDs sound superb on my system. I built my system for CD input only and it is wonderful.