Low gain dac!

I am contemplating buying a new dac, the dac I have today has 4.3v output on both balanced and RCA, which makes me only use a small turn on the volume knob on my pre amp, which is a high gain design, volume starts at 6 o’clock and too loud at 8-9!
Any input is appreciated, ladde dac’s or more conventional dac’s doesn’t matter, both designs have my interest.
My system:
Primare Dac30
Supratek Cabernet pre
Belles SA 30 power amp
Graham Audio LS 5/9

Benchmark DAC's have internal pads that can be moved to lower the gain by 10 or 20 db. I have an older DAC1 and I use this feature when switching from a tube amp to a solid state amp. The DAC1 actually has a -30db pad as well. The pads lower gain on the balanced XLR output only but I use a custom cable that has an XLR connector on the DAC end and an RCA connector on the preamp end. (My tube preamp only has unbalanced input.)
@ggc, hello, sorry.  I think your best bet is to contact Slagle himself.  He has a variety of options that might work in your case.  He could probably help you figure out if his AVC would fit in place of your existing pot.  Another option is to bypass the existing pot in your preamp and use his EMIA passive remote AVC preamp as volume control for your preamp.  Only downside here is you will need an extra set of ICs.  I thought to do this (or at least have the flexibility to do this), but realized I like the AVC as its own standalone preamp better.  My EMIA preamp is wound in silver.
Thanks for all the replies, a question to George, Charles and others, if I move the Belles to an other system and were to get me an other power amp, preferably class A or heavily biased into class A, what would you guys recommend ?
Your suggestions would be appreciated.
gryphongryph OP
what would you guys recommend ?

If your asking up to 50w Class-A only

There’s not much around that is just 30w Class-A
Pass Labs XA30 or XA25 https://www.passlabs.com/products/xa30.8/
My pick would be a Gryphon Essence https://gryphon-audio.dk/shop/power-amplifiers/essence-power/

Then if you want high biased Class-A and big A/B wattage
Parasond John Curl Halo JC5 https://parasound.com/jc5.php
Gryphon Integrated Diablo 120 or 300 https://gryphon-audio.dk/shop/integrated-amplifiers/gryphon-diablo-300-integrated-amplifier/

Cheers George